Indy 9
TIpProperty = class(TPersistent)
Use Byte1, Byte2, Byte3, and Byte4 to access the individual Byte values of the 32-bit IP address.
Use AsDoubleWord to access the LongWord value of the IP address.
Use AsBinaryString to access the String representation of individual bits of the IP address. For example: "11111111111111111111111100000000" is the binary string representation of the network mask
Use AsString to access the String representation of the IP address. For example: "" is the string representation of a network mask with the "dotted-decimal" value
Use SetAll to simultaneously update the 4 Byte values in the IP address.
Use ByteArray to access the Byte values of the IP address and indicate if the byte has a zero or non-zero value.
Use the OnChange event handler to perform application-specific processing when the value of the TIpProperty has been modified.
property AddressType: TIdIPAddressType;
property AsBinaryString: String;
AsBinaryString calls SetAll to update the value of the individual bytes in the IP address.
Use Byte1, Byte2, Byte3, Byte4, AsDoubleWord, or AsString to access the value of the IP address in other representations.
property AsDoubleWord: Longword;
Use Byte1, Byte2, Byte3, Byte4, AsBinaryString, or AsString to access the value of the IP address in other representations.
property AsString: String;
AsString calls SetAll to update the value of the individual bytes in the IP address.
Use Byte1, Byte2, Byte3, Byte4, AsDoubleWord, or AsBinaryString to access the value of the IP address in other representations.
property Byte1: byte;
Byte1, Byte2, Byte3, and Byte4 are used primarily to read the current value of the TIpProperty. Byte1 calls SetAll to update the value of the byte in the IP address.
Use AsDoubleWord, AsString, or AsBinaryString to access the value of the IP address in other representations.
property Byte2: Byte;
Byte1, Byte2, Byte3, and Byte4 are used primarily to read the current value of the TIpProperty. Byte2 calls SetAll to update the value of the byte in the IP address.
Use AsDoubleWord, AsString, or AsBinaryString to access the value of the IP address in other representations.
property Byte3: Byte;
Byte1, Byte2, Byte3, and Byte4 are used primarily to read the current value of the TIpProperty. Byte3 calls SetAll to update the value of the byte in the IP address.
Use AsDoubleWord, AsString, or AsBinaryString to access the value of the IP address in other representations.
property Byte4: Byte;
Byte1, Byte2, Byte3, and Byte4 are used primarily to read the current value of the TIpProperty. Byte4 calls SetAll to update the value of the byte in the IP address.
Use AsDoubleWord, AsString, or AsBinaryString to access the value of the IP address in other representations.
property ByteArray [Index: cardinal]: boolean;
Use Byte1, Byte2, Byte3, Byte4, AsDoubleWord, AsString, or AsBinaryString to access the value of the IP address in other representations.
property OnChange: TNotifyEvent;
Use OnChange to notify an application of changes in the network address properties. Assign an OnChange event handler to respond to the event notification.
procedure Assign(Source: Tpersistent); override;
Assign calls SetAll to update the Byte values of the IP address or network mask. Assigns triggers the OnChange event handler to signify that a change has occurred in TIpProperty values. Finally, Assign calls the inherited Assign method to handle assignment of properties from the class of the Source parameter.
procedure SetAll(One: Byte; Two: Byte; Three: Byte; Four: Byte); virtual;