Implements an electronic business card.
The TIdVCard component processes Virtual Cards which are electronic business cards through the
ReadFromTStrings method. This component is compliant with the VCard specification:
- vCard version 2.1 Specification (http://www.imc.org/pdi/vcard-21.txt)
and the VCard specification version 3.0:
- RFC 2425 - A MIME Content-Type for Directory Information (http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2425.txt)
- RFC 2426 - vCard MIME Directory Profile (http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2426.txt)
Creating VCards will be added at a later time.
Represents a list of VCard addresses.
Addresses represents the list of addresses for the VCard.
Represents the birthday the VCard owner.
property BirthDay: TDateTime;
BirthDay represents the birthday, and optional time of birth, for the VCard owner.
Represents business information about the VCard owner.
BusinessInfo represents business information about the VCard owner.
Represents a list of categories for the VCard.
property Categories: TStrings;
Categories represents a list of categories for the VCard used for classification purposes.
Represents the general intent or keyword access for the VCard.
property Classification: String;
Classification represents the general intent or keyword access for information in the VCard.
Textual comments for the VCard.
property Comments: TStrings;
Comments is miscellaneous textual comments, or additional information, the owner wishes to attach to the VCard.
List of the VCard owner's E-Mail address.
EMailAddresses is a list of the VCard owner's E-Mail address.
E-Mail program used by the card's owner.
property EMailProgram: String;
EMailProgram is the E-Mail program used by the card's owner.
FullName is the VCard owner's name.
VCard owner's encryption key.
Key is the VCard owner's encryption key used for encryption methods such as S/MIME or PGP.
Logo is a read-only
TIdVCardEmbeddedObject that contains information aboput the image used as a logo for the Organization for the VCard owner.
List of mailing labels for the VCard owner.
MailingLabels is a read-only
TIdVCardMailingLabels property that contains one or more mailing labels for the owner of the VCard.
VCard owner's photograph.
Photo is a read-only
TIdVCardEmbeddedObject property that contains a photographic image of owner of the VCard.
Program which created this VCard.
property ProductID: String;
ProductID is a String property that represents the identifer for the product that creates the VCard instance.
property RawForm: TStrings;
RawForm is a read-only TStrings property tha is the container used to store the raw data for the VCard object intance.
Sound file for the VCard.
Sound is a read-only
TIdVCardEmbeddedObject property that indicates an audio file associated with the VCard, such as how to pronounce a VCard owner's name.
List of the VCard owner's telephone numbers.
Telephones is a read-only
TIdVCardTelephones property that represents one or more telephone numbers for the owner of the VCard.
Unique identifier for the VCard.
property UniqueID: String;
UniqueID is a String property that represents the uniqueness identifier, or UID, for the VCard object instance. UniqueID is updated when variables are updated from raw VCard data.
URLs for the VCard owner or organization.
URLs is a TStrings property that represents the Universal Resource Locators associated with the VCard. URLs are used to represent a URI with additional information for the the person or the organization web page.
Version number of the VCard specification.
property VCardVersion: Real;
VCardVersion is the version number of the VCard specification used in creating and storing the data for the VCard instance.
Creates a new VCard instance.
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
Create is the constructor for
TIdVCard object instance. Create initializes the object properties for the new VCard instance.
destructor Destroy; override;
Destroy is the destructor for
TIdVCard, and clears a fress object properties for the VCard instance.
Reads a VCard from a TStrings object.
procedure ReadFromTStrings(s: TStrings);
s: TStrings
TStrings used as a source for VCard data.
ReadFromTStrings is a procedure used to read the contents for a VCard from a TStrings object instance. ReadFromTStrings clears the raw values stored for the VCard instance, and reads all values between the BEGIN:VCARD and END:VCARD in the string list in s. ReadFromTStrings sets the properyty values for the VCard instance after loading the raw data for the VCard.