Indy 9
TIdTCPStream = class(TStream)
property Connection: TIdTCPConnection;
Connection is assigned in the Create constructor, and is used to perform the actual input or output operation requested by method in the TStream descendant, like Read, Write, and Seek.
constructor Create(AConnection: TIdTCPConnection); reintroduce;
function Read(var ABuffer; ACount: Longint): Longint; override;
function Seek(AOffset: Longint; AOrigin: Word): Longint; override;
Note: Because input and output operations are redirected to a socket connect, and values are not written to the stream, TIdTCPStream does not support seeking a location in the TStream descendant. The return value for Seek, the new Position in the stream, is always -1.
function Write(const ABuffer; ACount: Longint): Longint; override;