Indy 9
Hierarchy, Properties, Methods, Events, Unit: IdRawBase
Ancestor class for Raw socket clients.
TIdRawBase = class(TIdComponent)
The TIdRawBase is an ancestor of components which use raw sockets. This allows the programmer to code for protocols that are not supported by the standard stack (ICMP, IGMP or any custom protocol).

Depending on the underlying operating system and on the security privilege of the user, it might also allow the programmer to build the IP header (currently, this is only supported by Windows 2000). . For Windows98, no updates are required because that included Winsock 2. For WindowsNT, you need administrative rights and Service Pack 3. -->

Represents the socket handle for the connection.
property Binding: TIdSocketHandle;
Binding is a read-only TIdSocketHandle property that represents the socket handle binding for the connection. When accessed, Binding.AllocateSocket is called to insure that the connection uses raw sockets for the Protocol selected. In addition, socket options for the Binding are updated to use Id_IPPROTO_IP protocol family with the specified TTL (Time-To-Live).

Size of the internal Indy buffer.
property BufferSize: Integer;
BufferSize is an Integer property that indicates the size of the internal Indy buffer for the socket connection. Changing the value of BufferSize force the Indy buffer to be enlarged or contracted to the specified number of bytes.

The default value for BufferSize is Id_TIdRawBase_BufferSize.

TIdRawBase, See Also
Specifies the endpoint for the socket connection.
property Host: string;
Host is a String property that specifies the IP address or host name that is the endpoint for the socket connection.

Use Port to indicate the port number used for the socket connection.

TIdRawBase, See Also
Identifies the port number for the endpoint of the socket connection.
property Port: Integer;
Port is an Integer property that identifies the port number for the endpoint of the socket connection.

Use host to specify the IP address or host name for the connection.

Identifies the protocol option for the socket connection.
property Protocol: Integer;
Protocol is an Integer property that identifies the protocol used for the socket connection. The default value for Protocol is Id_IPPROTO_RAW, as established in Create.

Binding.AllocateSocket uses the Protocol property to bind both the protocol family and protocol options for the socket handle.

TIdRawBase, See Also
Identifies the timeout for receive operations.
property ReceiveTimeout: integer;
ReceiveTimeout is an Integer property that indicate the number of milliseconds that receive operations must wait for the socket to become readable.

The default value for ReceiveTimeout is GFReceiveTimeout, as established in Create. When ReceiveTimeout is 0, no timeout will occur while waiting for the socket to become readable.

Specifies the Time-To-Live for raw socket packets.
property TTL: Integer;
TTL is an Integer property that identifies the Time-To-Live for routers and gateways that must handle the raw socket transmission. TTL is used to set the socket options for the Binding. Changing the value of TTL forces an update to the socket options for Binding.

The default value of TTL is GFTTL.

Constructor for the object instance.
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
AOwner: TComponent
Owner of the object instance.
Create is the constructor for the object instance. Create initializes object properties to their default values, including:

TIdRawBase, See Also
Frees the object instance.
destructor Destroy; override;
Destroy is the destructor for the object instance. Destroy clears, frees, and releases the Binding for the socket connection and the internal Indy read buffer.

Reads and buffers data from the socket connection.
function ReceiveBuffer(var ABuffer; const AByteCount: Integer; ATimeOut: integer = -1): integer;
var ABuffer
Buffer for data read from the connection.
const AByteCount: Integer
Number of bytes to read in to the buffer.
ATimeOut: integer = -1
Timeout value. Default value is -1.
Return Value
Integer - Number of bytes read from the connection.
ReceiveBuffer is an Integer function used to receive and store data arriving on the socket connection.

ABuffer is the destination for data read from the connection. AByteCount indicates the number of bytes anticipated to be read from the socket connection. ATimeOut is the number of milliseconds to wait for the Binding to become readable.

When ATimeOut is less than 0, the value in ReceiveTimeout is used.

If the specified timeout period elapses, AByteCount is less than 1, or ABuffer is nil, then the return value for ReceiveBuffer is 0.

Transmits data to remote computer system.
procedure Send(AData: string); overload;
procedure Send(AHost: string; const APort: Integer; AData: string); overload;
procedure Send(AHost: string; const APort: integer; var ABuffer; const ABufferSize: integer); overload;
AData: string
Value to be sent over the connection.
AHost: string
Destination address for the send operation.
const APort: Integer
Destination port number for the send operation.
var ABuffer
Buffer containing values to be sent over the connection.
const ABufferSize: integer
Size of the buffer to be sent.
Send is an overloaded procedure that allows the connection to transmit the specified data or buffer to the address identified in AHost and APort.

When the Send(AData) variant is called, the values from Host and Port are used for the destination.

Send resolves the address in AHost prior to transmitting data.

Transmits data to remote computer system.
procedure Send(AData: string); overload;
procedure Send(AHost: string; const APort: Integer; AData: string); overload;
procedure Send(AHost: string; const APort: integer; var ABuffer; const ABufferSize: integer); overload;
AData: string
Value to be sent over the connection.
AHost: string
Destination address for the send operation.
const APort: Integer
Destination port number for the send operation.
var ABuffer
Buffer containing values to be sent over the connection.
const ABufferSize: integer
Size of the buffer to be sent.
Send is an overloaded procedure that allows the connection to transmit the specified data or buffer to the address identified in AHost and APort.

When the Send(AData) variant is called, the values from Host and Port are used for the destination.

Send resolves the address in AHost prior to transmitting data.

Transmits data to remote computer system.
procedure Send(AData: string); overload;
procedure Send(AHost: string; const APort: Integer; AData: string); overload;
procedure Send(AHost: string; const APort: integer; var ABuffer; const ABufferSize: integer); overload;
AData: string
Value to be sent over the connection.
AHost: string
Destination address for the send operation.
const APort: Integer
Destination port number for the send operation.
var ABuffer
Buffer containing values to be sent over the connection.
const ABufferSize: integer
Size of the buffer to be sent.
Send is an overloaded procedure that allows the connection to transmit the specified data or buffer to the address identified in AHost and APort.

When the Send(AData) variant is called, the values from Host and Port are used for the destination.

Send resolves the address in AHost prior to transmitting data.

Created with Doc-O-Matic 2 donated to Project JEDI. Commercial license available from the Doc-O-Matic site.