Indy 9
Hierarchy, Properties, Methods, Events, See Also, Unit: IdMappedPortTCP
Thread created for client connections to a port-based Telnet proxy server.
TIdMappedTelnetThread = class(TIdMappedPortThread)
TIdMappedTelnetThread is a TIdMappedPortThread descendant that implements the thread created for threaded client connections to a port-based Telnet propxy server. TIdMappedTelnetThread is the thread class type used for client connections to TIdMappedTelnet.

TIdMappedTelnetThread maintains the AllowedConnectAttempts propety used when opening a connection from the proxy server to the remote system.

TIdMappedTelnetThread, See Also
Number of remaining connection attempts allowed for the port-based proxy thread.
property AllowedConnectAttempts: Integer;
AllowedConnectAttempts is a read-only Integer property that indicates the number of connection allowed for the thread class instantiated for the port-based proxy.

AllowedConnectAttempts is initated using the TIdCustomMappedTelnet.AllowedConnectAttempts property value when the OutboundConnect method is called for the executing thread. AllowedConnectAttempts is decremented in OutboundConnect until the outbound client is successfully connected or AllowedConnectAttempts reaches 0.

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