Indy 9
TIdDecoder = class(TIdBaseComponent)
Applications do not normally create instances of TIdDecoder, and instead use one of the descendant classes that implements a specific decoding algorithm. TIdDecoder can be used an as ancestor for classes that utilize a unique decoding algorithm and also adhere to the Indy coder framework.
class function DecodeString(AIn: string): string;
procedure DecodeToStream(AIn: string; ADest: TStream); virtual; abstract;
Use DecodeToString to provide decoding operations that return a String value.
function DecodeToString(const AIn: string): string;
Applications should use DecodeToStream when a Stream-based destination is needed for the decoded value.
DecodeToString is called by the class function DecodeString to perform decoding operations when no application instance of TIdDecoder is needed.