Indy 9
TIdCookieRFC2965 = class(TIdCookieRFC2109)
TIdCookieRFC2965 extends TIdCookieRFC2109 by adding additional extended Cookie headers, and allows additional Cookie attributes to be indicated in the CommentURL, Discard, and PortList properties.
TIdCookieRFC2965 differs from the original Netscape Cookie proposal, but can interoperate with HTTP/1.0 clients that use the Netscape Cookie mechanism. The significant differences in TIdCookieRFC2965 are the ability to formulate extended Cookie headers that contain MaxAge, Discard, and PortList attribute values.
property CommentURL: String;
An HTTP client can inspect CommentURL to decide whether to initiate or continue a session with this Cookie. If a Cookie includes a CommentURL value, the HTTP client should store that information in a human-readable form with the Cookie, or, preferably, should allow the user to follow the link as part of a Cookie inspection user interface.
property Discard: Boolean;
Use MaxAge or Expires to control Cookie longevity based on dates or duration.
property PortList [AIndex: Integer]: Integer;
The default HTTP port (80) is added to PortList when no explicit values are specified.
constructor Create(ACollection: TCollection); override;