Indy 9
Unit: IdGlobal
Determines if a character is a numeric digit.
function IsNumeric(AChar: Char): Boolean; overload;
function IsNumeric(const AString: string): Boolean; overload;
AChar: Char
Character to be examined for numeric content.
const AString: string
String to be examined for numeric content.
Return Value
Boolean - True if the character or string contains numeric digit(s).
IsNumeric is an overloaded Boolean function that indicates if the character in AChar, or the string in AString, contains numeric digit(s) in the range '0'..'9'.

When using the character variant of the function, IsNumeric checks AChar against a character set containing the characters '0'..'9'.

When using the string variant of the function, IsNumeric checks AString for valid numeric content using the Val procedure.

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