Indy 9
TIdHTTPResponse = class(TIdResponseHeaderInfo)
TIdHTTPResponse is the type used to represent the TIdHTTP.Response property, and is used in when TIdHTTP receives a response to an HTTP request, and indicates both the numeric and textual responses from the host server, and the connection headers for the HTTP response.
A TIdHTTPResponse instance is provided as an argument to TIdHTTP event handlers that use or update valued in the HTTP response, including OnRedirect, OnSelectAuthorization, OnSelectProxyAuthorization, OnAuthorization, OnProxyAuthorization.
TIdHTTPResponse is also the type used to represent the TIdHTTPProtocol.Response property, and allows the protocol handler to store a reference to the response received in HTTP protocol exchanges.
property ContentStream: TStream;
property KeepAlive: Boolean;
For HTTP 1.1 clients, the value for KeepAlive will contain True if the HTTP client connection is still intact, and Connetion and ProxyConnection header values do not contain the 'CLOSE' directive.
For HTTP 1.0 clients, the value for KeepAlive will contain False unless the HTTP Keep-Alive header is used for the HTTP Connection or ProxyConnection.
property ResponseCode: Integer;
ResponseCode is updates when a request is executed using TIdHTTP.FoRequest, and when TIdHTTPProtocol.ProcessResponse is used to examine result values for state-dependencies during HTTP protocol exchanges.
property ResponseText: string;
ResponseText is updated in TIdHTTP.ConnectToHost and TIdHTTP.DoRequest, when the HTTP client established a connection to the host server, or receives an HTTP response from the server.
property ResponseVersion: TIdHTTPProtocolVersion;
constructor Create(AParent: TIdCustomHTTP); virtual; reintroduce;