Indy 9
Hierarchy, Properties, Methods, See Also, Unit: IdHTTP
Provides access to headers and properties for an HTTP request.
TIdHTTPRequest = class(TIdRequestHeaderInfo)
TIdHTTPRequest is a TIdRequestHeaderInfo descendant that provides properties and methods use to define and manipulate header values used in an HTTP request.

TIdHTTPRequest is the type used to represent the TIdHTTP.Request property, and is used in when TIdHTTP prepares the request by generating request header values that reflect the relative URL, user authentication, host, options, protocol version, and content length for the URL and source stream in the HTTP request.

A prepared TIdHTTPRequest instance is provided as an argument to TIdHTTP event handlers that use or update valued in the HTTP request, including OnRedirect, OnSelectAuthorization, OnSelectProxyAuthorization, OnAuthorization, OnProxyAuthorization.

TIdHTTPRequest is also the type used to represent the TIdHTTPProtocol.Request property, and allows the protocol handler to store a reference to the request used in HTTP protocol exchanges.

TIdHTTPRequest, See Also
Indicates the HTTP method to use for the request.
property Method: TIdHTTPMethod;
Method is a TIdHTTPMethod property that represents the HTTP method to use for the URL in the HTTP request. Method is used when TIdHTTP needs to prepares a request, and during execution using the TIdHTTPProtocol protocol handler.

Represents the input stream for HTTP Put or Post requests.
property Source: TStream;
Source is a TStream property that represents the input stream containing data used during execution an TIdHTTP.Put or TIdHTTP.Post request. Source is also used by the TIdHTTPProtocol protocol handler for a TIdHTTP client to determine the content length for a request.

Represents the Universal Resource Locator for the HTTP request.
property URL: string;
URL is a String property that represents the Universal Resource Locator to use for the HTTP request. URL is used when TIdHTTP prepares a request for execution using the TIdHTTPProtocol prtocol handler, and contains the URL value prior to URL-encoding.

Indicates the connectionm type and headers for the HTTP request.
property UseProxy: TIdHTTPConnectionType;
UseProxy is a read-only TIdHTTPConnectionType property that indicates the connection type return when TIdHTTP establishes a connection to the host for the request URL. UseProxy will indicate if the HTTP requestshould contain values for 'Keep-Alive' or 'No-Cache' headers in the request.

Constructor for the object instance.
constructor Create(AHTTP: TIdCustomHTTP); virtual; reintroduce;
HTTP client that owns the request.
Create is the constructor for the object instance. Create calls the inherited Create method, and stores AParent to the private member that represents the HTTP client for the request.

Created with Doc-O-Matic 2 donated to Project JEDI. Commercial license available from the Doc-O-Matic site.