Indy 9
TIdCookies = class(TOwnedCollection)
TIdCookies is the type used by TIdCookieManager to represent the Cookie collection maintained by a TIdHTTP client.
property Cookie [const AName, ADomain: string]: TIdCookieRFC2109;
Use CookieListByDomain to limit access to Cookie collection items having a specified Domain value. Use Items to access Cookie collection items by their integer position in the container.
property Items [Index: Integer]: TIdCookieRFC2109;
Items is used when accessing or updating Cookie collection items in the GetCookie, GetCookieIndex, and Delete methods.
function Add: TIdCookieRFC2109;
Add is called from the TIdCookieManager.AddCookie method when a CookieName and Domain are added to an HTTP client as an TIdCookieRFC2109 class instance.
function Add2: TIdCookieRFC2965;
Add2 is called from the TIdCookieManager.AddCookie2 method when a CookieName and Domain are added to an HTTP client as an TIdCookieRFC2965 class instance.
procedure AddCookie(ACookie: TIdCookieRFC2109);
If a Cookie having the Domain and CookieName specified in ACookie already exists in the collection, the Cookie value is assigned to the existing TIdCookieRFC2109 object instance and ACookie is freed. Otherwise, ACookie is added to the Cookie list for the specified Domain and CookieName.
AddCookie is called by TIdCookieManager when a Cookie is added to the collection maintained by an HTTP client.
procedure AddSrcCookie(const sCookie: string);
constructor Create(AOwner: TPersistent);
Create initializes the TIdCookieList used by the CookieListByDomain property, and sets Sorted to False in the object property. Create also allocates an internal TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer instance that is used to protect access to the collection in a multi-threaded application.
procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
destructor Destroy; override;
function GetCookieIndex(FirstIndex: integer; const AName: string): Integer; overload; function GetCookieIndex(FirstIndex: integer; const AName: string; const ADomain: string): Integer; overload;
FirstIndex specifies the initial position in the container to be used when comparing values in the AName and/or ADomain parameters.
AName is the CookieName value desired in a Cookie collection item.
ADomain is the Domain value desired in a Cookie collection item.
GetCookieIndex is called from the GetCookie method to locate one of the Items in the collection that match a specified Name and Domain.
function GetCookieIndex(FirstIndex: integer; const AName: string): Integer; overload; function GetCookieIndex(FirstIndex: integer; const AName: string; const ADomain: string): Integer; overload;
FirstIndex specifies the initial position in the container to be used when comparing values in the AName and/or ADomain parameters.
AName is the CookieName value desired in a Cookie collection item.
ADomain is the Domain value desired in a Cookie collection item.
GetCookieIndex is called from the GetCookie method to locate one of the Items in the collection that match a specified Name and Domain.
function LockCookieListByDomain(AAccessType: TIdCookieAccess): TIdCookieList;
The return value for LockCookieListByDomain is the values returned by the CookieListByDomain method call.
LockCookieListByDomain is used by method that create or free items in the Cookie collection, like Add and Delete.
procedure UnlockCookieListByDomain(AAccessType: TIdCookieAccess);
UnlockCookieListByDomain is used by methods that create or free items in the Cookie collection, like Add and Delete.