Indicates the type for an entry found in the structured deirectory listing in the Indy FTP client.
TIdDirItemType = ( ditDirectory, ditFile, ditSymbolicLink, ditSymbolicLinkDir, ditBlockDev, ditCharDev, ditFIFO, ditSocket );
TIdDirItemType is an enumerated type that indicates the type for an entry found in the structured deirectory listing in the Indy FTP client.
TIdDirItemType is the type used to implement the ItemType property in TIdFTPListItem, as stored in the DirectoryListing property for the TIdFTP client.
TIdDirItemType includes the following values and meanings:
Value |
Meaning |
ditDirectory |
The item is a directory. |
ditFile |
The item is a file. |
ditSymbolicLink |
The item is a symbolic link to a file. |
ditSymbolicLinkDir |
The item is a symbolic link to a directory. |
ditBlockDev |
The item is a block device. |
ditCharDev |
The item is a character device. |
ditFIFO |
The item is a FIFO queue. |
ditSocket |
The item is a UNIX-mode socket handle. |
TIdDirItemType values are used and assigned when a registered TIdFTPListBaseParser descendant parses the lines found in the response to an FTP directory listing request.
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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