Topic Path: Pending > TIdDNSResolver.ParseAnswers@TDNSHeader@TIdBytes@Cardinal@boolean

Parses and stores resource records included in a DNS query response.

DNS headers for the response.
Raw bytes to be parsed for answers in the response.
Number of answers expected in the response.
Indicates QueryResult is cleared prior to parsing and storing resource records include in response. 

ParseAnswers is a procedure used to parse answers received as part of the DNS query response in the Resolve method. 

DNSHeader represents the DNS header values parsed from the DNS query response in the FillResults method. 

Answer is the raw byte values for all of the answers in the DNS query response, and the values to be parsed in the method. 

AnswerNum indicates the number of answers expected in the DNS query response, as indicated in the DNS header. 

ResetResult indicates if any existing values in QueryResult should be cleared prior to parsing and storing resource records for answers included in the DNS query response. 

ParseAnswers controls parsing of the values in Answer, and creates one or more entries in QueryResult for answers encountered in the DNS query response. When DNSHeader indicates a single DNS question was issued in the DNS query, the domain name and the query type value found in Answer are assigned to the corresponding properties in QueryResult. 

When multiple answers are indicated in AnswerNum (starting at 1), entries are added to QueryResult using the raw content at the indicated offset for the values in Answer.

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