Topic Path: Symbol Reference > Types > TIdDICTAuthEvent Type
TIdDICTAuthEvent Type

Specifies the event type for the DICT AUTH and SASLAUTH commands.

TIdDICTAuthEvent = procedure (AContext:TIdCommand; Username, authstring : String) of object;
Execution thread performing the command.
User name to authenticate.
User authentication information. 

TIdDICTAuthEvent specifies the event type for the DICT AUTH and SASLAUTH commands, and is used by the TIdDICTServer OnCommandAuth and OnCommandSASLAuth event handlers to perform user authentication. 

Username contains the user name to be authenticated. 

For the DICT AUTH command, AuthString will contain an APOP-style MD5 Checksum as described in RFC 1939. 

For the DICT SASLAUTH command, AuthString will contain the BASE64-encoded initial SASL response as described in RFC 2045. All responses to the SASLAUTH server challenge should use the SASLRESP command and a BASE64-encoded parameter. 

Authentication is an optional server capability. The AUTH and SASLAUTH commands may be implemented by a DICT server.

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