Topic Path: Symbol Reference > Classes > TIdCustomHTTP Class > TIdCustomHTTP Events > OnSelectAuthorization Event
TIdCustomHTTP.OnSelectAuthorization Event

Event handler triggered when the client selects an authentication mechanism for the connection.

property OnSelectAuthorization: TIdOnSelectAuthorization;
HTTP client generating the event notification.
Authentication class to use for the connection.
Header values to use in authectication. 

OnSelectAuthorization is a TIdOnSelectAuthorization property that represents the event handler triggered when the HTTP client chooses an Authentication method and class for authorizing a connection. 

OnSelectAuthorization is triggered when a Request needs Authentication using a supported Authentication method for the WWWAuthenticate headers found in Response. OnSelectAuthorization can be used to set the class instance in Auth used for authenticating the client Request based on header values found in AuthInfo. 

OnSelectAuthorization is used prior to triggering the OnAuthorization event handler for the client connection.

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