Represents the event handler for unknown HTTP commands.
property OnCommandOther: TIdHTTPCommandEvent;
Parameters |
Description |
Thread |
The peer thread generating the event. |
asCommand |
The command from the HTTP request. |
asData |
The data from the HTTP request. |
asVersion |
The version number from the HTTP request. |
OnCommandOther is the TIdHTTPOtherEvent event handler used to respond to unknown HTTP commands. OnCommandOther is used during execution of the threaded client connection when a command other than GET, POST, or HEAD is received in the HTTP request.
The application must assign a procedure to the OnCommandOther event handler to allow the server to respond to the unknown HTTP command. Use OnCommandOther to generate custom Response or Error messages, handle non-standard HTTP commands, or perform processing specific to the HTTP server implementation when an error occurs.
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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