Constructor for the command handler collection.
constructor Create( ABase: TIdComponent; AReplyClass: TIdReplyClass; AReplyTexts: TIdReplies; AExceptionReply: TIdReply = nil; ACommandHandlerClass: TIdCommandHandlerClass = nil ); reintroduce;
Parameters |
Description |
ABase |
Owner for items added to the collection. |
AReplyClass |
TIdReplyClass used to create replies for the command handler collection. |
AReplyTexts |
TIdReplies with response codes and messages for the command handlers. |
AExceptionReply |
TIdReply instance containing an exception message. |
ACommandHandlerClass |
TIdCommandHandlerClass class reference for creating items in the collection. |
Create is the constructor for the object instance.
ABase is the TIdComponent that is the owner for items added to the collection.
AReplyClass is the TIdReplyClass used to create replies for the command handler collection.
AReplyTexts is the TIdReplies instance with response codes and messages for the command handlers used in the server.
AExceptionReply is a TIdReply instance containing an exception message.
ACommandHandlerClass is a TIdCommandHandlerClass class reference to use for creating items added to the collection.
Create calls the inherited constructor using the value in ACommandHandlerClass as the class type for the command handler, or TIdCommandHandler when ACommandHandlerClass contains Nil.
Create assigns values in the parameters to the following properties:
Property |
Value |
ABase | |
ExceptionReply |
AExceptionReply |
AReplyClass | |
AReplyTexts |
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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