Topic Path: Symbol Reference > Classes > TIdAttachmentMemory Class > TIdAttachmentMemory Properties > DataStream Property
TIdAttachmentMemory.DataStream Property

Provides access to the contents for the in-memory message part using a stream.

property DataStream: TIdStream;

DataStream is a TIdStream property that represents the stream used to access the contents of the in-memory message part. 

DataStream is the stream returned by the OpenLoadStream method, and used to access the contents of the in-memory message part during encoding and subsequent transmission. 

DataStream is updated in PrepareTempStream and FinishTempStream when loading or receiving an in-memory message part. 

DataStream is allocated in Create, and freed in Destroy

Assigning a new TIdStream instance to DataStream causes the contents of the new stream to be copied to the DataStream property. 

Use DataString to read or write the contents of the in-memory message part as a String value.

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