Topic Path: Symbol Reference > Types > TGetEvent Type
TGetEvent Type

Event triggered to perform a WhoIs look-up query.

TGetEvent = procedure (AContext:TIdContext; ALookup: string; var VResponse : String) of object;
Client connection for the event notification.
Look-up value for the WhoIs query. 

TGetEvent is an event type signalled when TIdWhoIsServer performs the look-up of individual names, mailbox names, network organizations, DDN nodes and associated hosts, and TAC telephone numbers for the value specified in ALookup. 

TGetEvent is the event type signalled to the TIdWhoIsServer.OnCommandLookup event handler, and allows the server to implement the platform-specific mechanisms required to provide the client connection in AThread with data for the network service. 

Applications must assign a procedure to the event handler to allow responding to the event notification. The event handler can provide data from local resources, or access data on servers provided by the Network Information Center (NIC) at SRI International at or The event can formulate and write responses using the connection in AThread.

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