Identifies resource record types that can be requested in a DNS query.
TDNSQueryRecordTypes = ( DqtA, DqtNS, DqtMD, DqtMF, DqtName, DqtSOA, DqtMB, DqtMG, DqtMR, DqtNull, DqtWKS, DqtPTR, DqtHINFO, DqtMINFO, DqtMX, DqtTXT, DqtNSAP, DqtNSAP_PTR, DqtLOC, DqtIXFR, DqtAXFR, DqtSTAR, DqtAAAA );
TDNSQueryRecordTypes is an enumerated type that represents the valid values that can be used for selecting DNS Resource Record returned in a DNS query response by their resource record type.
TDNSQueryRecordTypes may contain one or more of the following values, including:
Value |
Meaning |
DqtA |
IPv4 Host address |
IPv6 Host address |
DqtNS |
Authoritative name server |
DqtMD |
Mail destination (Obsolete - use MX) |
DqtMF |
Mail forwarder (Obsolete - use MX) |
DqtName |
Canonical name for an alias |
DqtSOA |
Start of a zone of authority marker |
DqtMB |
Mailbox domain name (EXPERIMENTAL) |
DqtMG |
Mail group member (EXPERIMENTAL) |
DqtMR |
Mail rename domain name (EXPERIMENTAL) |
DqtNull |
Null resource record (EXPERIMENTAL) |
DqtWKS |
Well known service description |
DqtPTR |
Domain name pointer |
Host information |
Mailbox or mail list information |
DqtMX |
Mail exchange |
DqtTXT |
Text strings |
Network Server Address Protocol request |
PTR resource records for NSAP entries |
DqtLOC |
Geographic location request |
Zone transfer query request |
All resource record types |
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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