Specifies the event type for user authentication in a TELNET connection.
TAuthenticationEvent = procedure (AContext: TIdContext; const AUsername, APassword: string; var AAuthenticated: Boolean) of object;
Parameters |
Description |
AContext |
Connection generating the event. |
AUsername |
User name for the connection. |
APassword |
Password for the connection. |
AAuthenticated |
Indicates authentication success. |
TAuthenticationEvent is an event type used to perform authentication of username and password information provided by a TELNET connection.
AContext is the peer Context representing the TELNET connection generating the authentication event.
AUsername is the User name supplied for the connection.
APassword is the password supplied for the connection.
AAuthenticated is a variable parameter use to indicate whether the authentication request is successful.
TAuthenticationEvent is used by TIdTelnetServer in the OnAuthentication event handler to allow the server implementation to perform user authentication processing.
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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