Separates values specified in AData into columns.
procedure SplitColumnsNoTrim( const AData: string; AStrings: TIdStrings; const ADelim: string = ' ' );
Parameters |
Description |
AData |
Values to be split into columns. |
AStrings |
Storage for column values from the input data. |
ADelim |
Delimiter used to seperate the column values. Default value is a space character (CHAR32). |
SplitColumnsNoTrim is a procedure used to separate values specified in AData into columns using the delimiter specified in ADelim.
When omitted, the default value for ADelim is the Space character (CHAR32).
AStrings is a TIdStrings instance used to store column values parsed from AData using the delimiter indicated in ADelim. AStrings is cleared prior to parsing column values from the input data in AData.
For the .Net platform, the associated Object will contain a TObject reference that is the position of the column data in AData.
For all other platforms, the associated Object will contain a Pointer with the position of the column data in AData.
It is the programmers responsibility to cast the Object to an Integer value when accessing the object reference or pointer.
SplitColumnsNoTrim is used internally in the Indy library when TIdCommandHandler parses command parameters during TIdCommand execution.
Use SplitColumns to parse data into columns with leading and trailing spaces trimmed for the resulting column values.
Exceptions |
Description |
EAssertionFailed |
raised when AStrings is unassigned. |
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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