Topic Path: Symbol Reference > Functions > ReadTIdBytesFromStream Function
ReadTIdBytesFromStream Function
function ReadTIdBytesFromStream(
    const AStream: TIdStream; 
    var ABytes: TIdBytes; 
    const Count: Integer
): Integer;
Stream used for the read operation.
Buffer used to store values read from the stream.
Number of bytes expected in the read operation. 

Integer - Number of bytes read in the operation.

ReadTIdBytesFromStream is an Integer function used to read values from the stream specified in AStream into the array of bytes specified in ABytes. 

Count indicates the number of bytes expected for the read operation. 

The return value from the function is the actual number of bytes read from the stream into the byte array in ABytes. 

ReadTIdBytesFromStream isolates the platform- and operating-system specific stream implemenetations used in the operation. 

Use one of the following common stream routines to read or write the associated ordinal data type using a stream instance: 


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