Topic Path: Symbol Reference > Functions > IsIn6MonthWindow Function
IsIn6MonthWindow Function

Indicates if the date and time value occurs in the preceeding six months.

function IsIn6MonthWindow(
    const AMDate: TIdDateTime
): Boolean;
Date and Time for a file entry in a FTP listing. 

Boolean - True when the file data and time is in the precedding six month window.

IsIn6MonthWindow is a Boolean function used to determine if the date and time value in AMDate represents a value occurring in the preceeding six months. 

IsIn6MonthWindow is used when working with files in an FTP directory listing. By convention, FTP listings omits the year when the value occurs in the preceeding six months. 

IsIn6MonthWindow decodes the date and time portions of AMDate to determine if the value is a candiate for the abbreviated version of the file date and time stamp.

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