Topic Path: Symbol Reference > Functions > IndyUpperCase Function
IndyUpperCase Function

Converts a string to it's uppercase representation.

function IndyUpperCase(
    const A1: string
): string;
Value to convert to uppercase. 

string - Contents of A1 after converting to uppercase.

IndyUpperCase is a String function used to convert the string in A1 to a string where all alphabetic characters are represented by the uppercase values. 

IndyUpperCase is used to isolate the OS- or platform-specific API calls required to convert characters to their uppercase equivalent. 


On the .Net platform, IndyUpperCase calls the built-in ToUpper method for the string data type to perform the conversion. 


On all other platforms, the AnsiUppercase function is called to perform conversion of alphabetic characters. 

Use IndyLowerCase to convert alphabetic characters to their lowercase equivalents.

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