Topic Path: Symbol Reference > Files > IdThreadSafe.pas

Contains thread-safe data type implementations using critical section to provide resource protection in multi-threaded applications.

IdThreadSafe.pas contains classes needed to implement thread-safe data types using critical sections to provide resource protection in multi-threaded applications.

Implements the ancestor for thread-safe data types. 
Implements a thread-safe Boolean data type. 
Implements a thread-safe Cardinal data type. 
Implements a thread-safe DateTime data type. 
Implements a thread-safe Double data type. 
Implements a thread-safe Int64 data type. 
Implements a thread-safe Integer data type. 
Implements a thread-safe list of threads. 
Implements a thread-safe String data type. 
Implements a thread-safe string list data type. 
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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