Topic Path: Symbol Reference > Files > IdMultipartFormData.pas

Contains classes used for multipart forms and their data elements.

IdMultipartFormData.pas contains constants and types needed to define and implement classes for accessing a multipart form and its data elements and contents using stream-oriented access methods.

Exception raised for an invalid file stream for a file data item. 
Represents a form data field in a multipart form data stream. 
Represents the multipart form data stream that owns the collection. 
Implements support for MIME-like multipart form responses. 
End-of-line sequence used when writing multipart form data. 
Forms the content disposition in a boundary marker for multipart form data. 
Constant used for the content type header in a multipart form data stream. 
Forms the content type for data fields in a boundary marker for multipart form data. 
Forms part of the boundary marker for multipart form data fields representing a file. 
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