Topic Path: Symbol Reference > Constants > IdListenQueueDefault Constant
IdListenQueueDefault Constant

Default value for the ListenQueue property in TIdTCPServer.

IdListenQueueDefault = 15;

IdListenQueueDefault is a constant that represents the default value to use for the TIdCustomTCPServer.ListenQueue property. IdListenQueueDefault indicates the maximum number of unresolved connection attempts (commonly referred to as backlog) allowed for a listener socket in TIdListenerThread


On the Windows platform, the default listen queue size can be determined by the Operating System. 

Non-server versions of Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP are internally limited to a maximum of 5 queued connection requests per listening socket. 

Server versions of Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP are internally limited to a maximum of 200 queued connection requests per listening socket.

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