Topic Path: Symbol Reference > Files > IdIdent.pas

Contains constants, types, and classes needed to implement an Ident protocol client.

IdIdent.pas contains constants, types, and classes needed to implement an Ident protocol client, as described in the Internet Standards document: 

RFC 1413 - Identification Protocol  

Exception type that is the ancestor for Ident protocol exceptions. 
Exception raised when a HIDDEN-USER message is found in an Ident protocol reply. 
Exception raised when an INVALID-PORT message is found in an Ident protocol reply. 
Exception raised when a NO-USER message is found in an Ident protocol reply. 
Exception raised when a timeout occurs while reading an Ident protocol reply. 
Ancestor for all Ident protocol errors in an Ident protocol reply. 
Exception raised when a UNKNOWN-ERROR message is found in an Ident protocol reply. 
Implements an Ident protocol client. 
Default value for the TIdIdent.QueryTimeOut property. 
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