Exception raised when a mail exchange server cannot be resolved for an email address domain.
EIdDirectSMTPCannotResolveMX = class(EIdException);
EIdDirectSMTPCannotResolveMX EIdException descendant that represents the exception raised when a mail exchange server cannot be resolved for an email address domain.
EIdDirectSMTPCannotResolveMX is raised with the message RSDirSMTPInvalidEMailAddress or RSDirSMTPNoMXRecordsForDomain.
RSDirSMTPInvalidEMailAddress indicates that an email address was detected that did not include a domain component in the email address.
RSDirSMTPNoMXRecordsForDomain indicates the domain for an email address could not be resolved because a DNS MX record could not be found for the domain.
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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