Topic Path: Symbol Reference > Classes > TIdSMTP Class > TIdSMTP Members
TIdSMTP Members

Members exposed by TIdSMTP.

Event handler signalled when one or more of the recipients in an email message fail during transmission using the SMTP protocol. 
Represents the current connection status event handler. 
Event handler signalled when TLS negotiations for the for the session have failed. 
Assigns propeties and event handlers from a persistent object to the current object instance. 
Performs account authentication on the SMTP server. 
Opens a connection to the SMTP server. 
Closes the SMTP session. 
Notifies the peer connection for the SMTP session that it will be disconnected. 
Determines group membership for a mailing list or mailbox alias. 
Sends a message without an exisitng TIdMessage instance. 
Sends a message instance to the SMTP server. 
Verifies that an alias or name is a user mailbox on the SMTP server. 
Sends message headers and body content on the client connection. 
Opens a connection and reads all data. 
Determines if the peer has been gracefully disconnected. 
Indicates if the peer connection has been opened. 
Creates the IOHandler for the connection. 
Reads response detail lines from a peer connection. 
Sends the RFC protocol header values in a list to the connection. 
Writes RFC-compliant message bodies on the connection. 
Triggers the OnBeginWork event. 
Triggers the OnWork event handler. 
Triggers the OnEndWork event handler. 
Version number for Indy component suite. 
Frees the object instance. 
Constructor for the object instance. 
Authentication type required to connect to the SMTP host. 
Specifies the the local IP address to be used for the Socket connection. 
Specifies the the port number to be used for the Socket connection. 
Represents the upper bounds for local port numbers derived when establishing the client connection. 
Represents the lowerr bounds for local port numbers derived when establishing the client connection. 
Millseconds to wait for successful completion of a connection attempt. 
Indicates if the SMTP session was successfully authenticated. 
Banner or welcome message for a connection to a protocol server. 
Identities the client connecting to an SMTP server. 
IP address or host name for the SMTP server. 
The input / output mechanism for the connection. 
Response code and text for the last response from the peer connection. 
Identifies the program that created a message. 
Indicates tyhe IOHandler for the connection is maintained by the object instance. 
Identifies the line folding character sequence for the message client. 
Maximum line length. 
Event handler signalled after the socket handle is bound for the connection. 
Event handler signalled proper to binding the socket handle for the connection. 
Event handler signalled to reflect the connection state for the client. 
Event handler signalled when disconnecting the peer connection. 
Event handler signalled for read and / or write operations. 
Event handler signalled when beginning a read or write operation. 
Event handler signalled when completing a read or write operation. 
Authentication credentials for the SMTP session. 
Indicates if command pipelining is used for the SMTP connection. 
Port number for the connection to the SMTP server. 
Millseconds to wait for successful completion of a read attempt. 
SASL authentication mechanisms supported on the SMTP server connection. 
Provides access to the TIdIOHandlerSocket for the connection. 
Indicates the SMTP client desires authetication type information from the SMTP server. 
Authentication identity for the SMTP session. 
Indicates Transport-Level Security is used on the SMTP server connection. 
Identifies the version number for the Indy component suite. 
Indy component to receive work mode events for the current object instance. 
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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