Members exposed by TIdLPR.
Event |
Description |
This event is triggered to indicate the status of the TIdLPR object. | |
Represents the current connection status event handler. |
Destructor |
Description |
Frees the object instance. |
Method |
Description |
This method requests that the server send the status of print jobs in a spool. | |
| |
This sends a file to the daemon for printing. | |
This requests that the daemon remove a list of jobs from its queue. | |
| |
Opens a connection and reads all data. | |
Determines if the peer has been gracefully disconnected. | |
| |
Indicates if the peer connection has been opened. | |
Creates the IOHandler for the connection. | |
| |
Disconnects the peer connection. | |
Reads response detail lines from a peer connection. | |
| |
| |
| |
Sends the RFC protocol header values in a list to the connection. | |
Writes RFC-compliant message bodies on the connection. | |
Triggers the OnBeginWork event. | |
Triggers the OnWork event handler. | |
Triggers the OnEndWork event handler. | |
| |
Version number for Indy component suite. |
Property |
Description |
Specifies the the local IP address to be used for the Socket connection. | |
Specifies the the port number to be used for the Socket connection. | |
Represents the upper bounds for local port numbers derived when establishing the client connection. | |
Represents the lowerr bounds for local port numbers derived when establishing the client connection. | |
Millseconds to wait for successful completion of a connection attempt. | |
Control file for the current print job. | |
Banner or welcome message for a connection to a protocol server. | |
The input / output mechanism for the connection. | |
Identifies the current print Job ID number. | |
Response code and text for the last response from the peer connection. | |
Indicates tyhe IOHandler for the connection is maintained by the object instance. | |
Event handler signalled after the socket handle is bound for the connection. | |
Event handler signalled proper to binding the socket handle for the connection. | |
Event handler signalled to reflect the connection state for the client. | |
Event handler signalled when disconnecting the peer connection. | |
Event handler signalled for read and / or write operations. | |
Event handler signalled when beginning a read or write operation. | |
Event handler signalled when completing a read or write operation. | |
Millseconds to wait for successful completion of a read attempt. | |
Provides access to the TIdIOHandlerSocket for the connection. | |
Identifies the version number for the Indy component suite. | |
Indy component to receive work mode events for the current object instance. |
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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