Members exposed by TIdIPMCastClient.
Event |
Description |
Event handler signalled when a datagram is available for the multicast client. | |
Represents the current connection status event handler. |
Destructor |
Description |
Frees the object instance. |
Method |
Description |
Indicates that an IP address is a member of a multicast group address. | |
Triggers the OnBeginWork event. | |
Triggers the OnWork event handler. | |
Triggers the OnEndWork event handler. | |
| |
Version number for Indy component suite. |
Property |
Description |
Indicates that the client has a binding with a valid socket handle. | |
Represents socket descriptor(s) used to listen for incoming data. | |
Indicates the buffer size to use for datagram receipt. | |
Default port number for socket descriptors created for the multicast client. | |
Represents the multicast group IP address. | |
Indicates if threaded reads are performed using an event handler in multicast client. | |
Identifies the version number for the Indy component suite. | |
Indy component to receive work mode events for the current object instance. |
Copyright © 1993-2006, Chad Z. Hower (aka Kudzu) and the Indy Pit Crew. All rights reserved.
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