Indy 9
See Also, Unit: IdUserAccounts
Event type signalled after an user account authentication attempt.
TOnAfterAuthentication = procedure (const AUsername: String; const APassword: String; AAuthenticationResult: Boolean) of object;
Result of the authentication process.
User credentials for the authentication process.
User identity for the authentication process.
TOnAfterAuthentication is an event type used to notify a TIdUserManager when a user account has tried to authenticate using the specified identity and credentials in AUsername and APassword.

TOnAfterAuthentication provides a mechanism for performing user account authentication that is external to a server implementaiton, or to perform additional logging for user account access attempts.

TOnAfterAuthentication is the event type signalled to the TIdUserManager.OnAfterAuthentication event handler. Applications must assign a procedure to the TOnAfterAuthentication event handler to allow responding to the event notification.

Applications can change the value of AAuthenticationResult in the event handler for the TOnAfterAuthentication event to indicate if the authentication attempt is successful.

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