Indy 9
See Also, Unit: IdMessageCoder
Specifies the type of RFC message part handled by an Indy message decoder.
TIdMessageCoderPartType = (mcptUnknown, mcptText, mcptAttachment);
TIdMessageCoderPartType is an enumerated type that specifies the type of RFC message part handled by an Indy message decoder. TIdMessageCoderPartType may contain one of the following values:

  • ptUnknown - the type of Message Part is unknown.

  • ptText - indicates a TIdText Message Part.

  • ptAttachment - indicates a TIdAttachment Message Part.

ptUnknown indicates that the type for the message part could not be determined. Indy classes, like TIdMessageClient, will raise an EIdException exception with the constant RSMsgClientUnkownMessagePartType error message when an unknown message part is encountered.

ptText indicates that the RFC-822 message headers for a message part have been examined, and the message body contains textual content.

ptAttachment indicates that the RFC-822 message headers for a message part have been examined, and the message body contains an attachment.

TIdMessageDecoder is used to access a message to determine the TIdMessageCoderPartType value used for a message part by using the TIdMessageDecoder.ReadHeader method. Based on the value of TIdMessageCoderPartType, the appropriate TIdText or TIdAttachment instance is created to receive the message part headers and contents.

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