Indy 9
See Also, Unit: IdGlobal
Indicates the action to be taken when a line exceeds the maximum line length.
TIdMaxLineAction = (maException, maSplit);
TIdMaxLineAction is an enumerated type that represents the action to be taken when a TIdTCPConnection, or descendant class, reads a line that exceeds the maximum line length assigned for the connection class instance. TIdMaxLineAction is the type used to represent the TIdTCPConnection.MaxLineAction property used in TIdTCPConnection.ReadLn.

TIdMaxLineAction may contain one of the following values and associated meanings:

  • maException - Connection should raise an EIdReadLnMaxLineLengthExceeded exception.

  • maSplit - Data should be split into multiple lines having no more than the maximum number of characters allowed for the connection class.

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