Indy 9
See Also, Unit: IdMappedPortTCP
Event type triggered during outbound connection of the port-based proxy.
TIdMappedPortOutboundConnectEvent = procedure (AThread: TIdMappedPortThread; AException: Exception) of object;
Exception reaised while opening the proxied connection.
Thread for the proxied connection.
TIdMappedPortOutboundConnectEvent is an event type triggered when a TIdMappedPortThread thread instance attempts to create the outbound TIdTcpClient used for a port-based proxy. TIdMappedPortOutboundConnectEvent is the type used to represent the TIdMappedPortTCP.OnOutboundConnect event handler.

AThread is the TIdMappedPortThread instance for the proxied connection, and provides access to the connections for the server (Proxy) and client (remote).

AException is an optional exception that may have been raised while attempting to open the outbound proxy connection. AException will contain Nil when an exception has not been raised during outbound connection.

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