Indy 9
See Also, Unit: IdLPR
This type is used in the TIdLPRStatusEvent to indicate the status of the TIdLPR object.
TIdLPRStatus = (psPrinting, psJobCompleted, psError, psGettingQueueState, psGotQueueState, psDeletingJobs, psJobsDeleted, psPrintingWaitingJobs, psPrintedWaitingJobs);
This type is used in the TIdLPRStatusEvent to indicate the status of the TIdLPR object. This can have one of the following values:

  • psPrinting - The print job is being sent to the daemon

  • psJobCompleted - The print job was successfully sent to the daemon

  • psError - The daemon returned an error reply

  • psGettingQueueState - The queue's status is being requested

  • psGotQueueState - The daemon returned the queue's state.

  • psDeletingJobs - The printing jobs are being deleted

  • psJobsDeleted - The print jobs have been deleted

  • psPrintingWaitingJobs - The waiting jobs in the queue are being printed

  • psPrintedWaitingJobs - The waiting jobs in the queue have been printed

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