Indy 9
TIdIMAP4ConnectionState = (csAny, csNonAuthenticated, csAuthenticated, csSelected);
csAny permits the commands cmdCAPABILITY, cmdNOOP, and cmdLOGOUT.
csNonAuthenticated permits commands from the csAny connection state, as well as the commands cmdAUTHENTICATE and cmdLOGOUT.
csAuthenticated permits commands from the csNonAuthenticated connection state, as well as the commands cmdSELECT, cmdEXAMINE, cmdCREATE, cmdDELETE, cmdRENAME, cmdSUBSCRIBE, cmdUNSUBSCRIBE, cmdLIST, cmdLSUB, cmdSTATUS, and cmdAPPEND.
csSelected permits commands from the csAuthenticated connection state, as well as the commands cmdCHECK, cmdCLOSE, cmdEXPUNGE, cmdSEARCH, cmdFETCH, cmdSTORE, cmdCOPY, cmdUID, and the experimental/expansion commmands represented by cmdXCmd.