Indy 9
Unit: IdDICTServer
Specifies the event type for the DICT SHOW command.
TIdDICTShowEvent = procedure ( Thread: TIdPeerThread; Command : String ) of object;
Command to performed.
Execution thread performing the command.
TIdDICTShowEvent specifies the event type for the DICT SHOW command, and is used by the TIdDICTServer OnCommandShow event handler to implement the server command.

The DICT SHOW command accepts parameters to indicate the information to be generated by the server, including the following:

  • SHOW DB - Displays the list of currently accessible databases.

  • SHOW DATABASES - Displays the list of currently accessible databases.

  • SHOW STRAT - Displays the list of currently supported search strategies.

  • SHOW STRATEGIES - Displays the list of currently supported search strategies.

  • SHOW INFO database - Displays the source, copyright, and licensing information about the specified database.

  • SHOW SERVER - Displays local server herald banner.

Created with Doc-O-Matic 2 donated to Project JEDI. Commercial license available from the Doc-O-Matic site.