Indy 9
See Also
Represents a list of Cookies in the collection that are valid for a specified Domain.
CookieListByDomain is a read-only TIdCookieList property that represents a list of Cookies in the collection having a specified value in the Domain attribute in Cookie class instances.

CookieListByDomain is used in AddCookie insure that the TIdCookieList for the Domain is instantiated and added to the Cookie collection, and is used to add or update Cookie class instances by name for the given domain.

CookieListByDomain is also used in the TIdCookieManager.GenerateCookieList method to access Cookies in the collection having the domain and secure attribute that match the desired values.

Created with Doc-O-Matic 2 donated to Project JEDI. Commercial license available from the Doc-O-Matic site.