Indy 9
See Also, Unit: IdNNTP
Event type signalled when a message identifier is received in a NEWNEWS response.
TEventNewNewsList = procedure (const AMsgID: string; var ACanContinue: Boolean) of object;
Indicates current and additional message identifiers can be processed.
Line containing the message identifer in the NEWNEWS list.
TEventNewNewsList is an event type triggered when a Message Identifier is received in the results from the NNTP NEWNEWS command. TEventNewNewsList is the type used to for the TIdNNTP.OnNewNewsList property, and represents the event handler signalled while processing NEWNEWS response values in TIdNNTP.GetNewNewsList.

AMsgID is the message identifer for a new NNTP article.

ACanContinue indicates that the current message identifier has been processed, and additional message identifiers can be read from the NEWNEWS response. Setting ACanContinue to False will suppress additional processing of message identifiers in the NEWNEWS response.

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