TBasicEvent is an event type signalled when an NNTP server implementation needs to perform a
TIdCommandHandler for an recognized NNTP command or extension. ACommand is the command handler procedure generating the event notification.
TBasicEvent is the type used to represent various NNTP command event handlers that require no additional information beyond the NNTP command being executed for a threaded client connection.
TBasicEvent is used as the type for the following TIdNNTPServer event handler properties:
- OnCommandArticleID
- OnCommandAuthInfo
- OnCommandBodyID
- OnCommandCheck
- OnCommandDate
- OnCommandGroup
- OnCommandHeadID
- OnCommandHelp
- OnCommandIHave
- OnCommandLast
- OnCommandList
- OnCommandListgroup
- OnCommandMode
- OnCommandNewGroups
- OnCommandNewNews
- OnCommandNext
- OnCommandPost
- OnCommandQuit
- OnCommandSlave
- OnCommandStatID
- OnCommandTakeThis
- OnCommandXGTitle
- OnCommandXHDR
- OnCommandXOver
- OnCommandXPat
- OnCommandXThread