Indy 9
See Also, Unit: IdGlobal
Converts a string value to it's Booelan representation.
function IndyStrToBool(const AString: String): Boolean;
const AString: String
String value to be converted to its Boolean representation.
Return Value
Boolean - True or False.
IndyStrToBool is a Boolean function that converts the value in AString into it's representationas a Boolean value. IndyStrToBool uses case-insensitive comparison to look for the value in AString in the array elements of both IndyFalseBoolStrs and IndyTrueBoolStrs.

When AString does not exist in either IndyFalseBoolStrs or IndyTrueBoolStrs, the value in AString is converted to a numeric value where 0 represents the Boolean value False, and any non-zero value represents the Boolean value True.

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