Indy 9
Unit: IdFTPList
TIdOnGetCustomListFormat = procedure (ASender: TIdFTPServer; AItem: TIdFTPListItem; var VText: string) of object;
Listing item to be parsed.
Contains the text representing the results for the custom parsing routine.
TIdOnGetCustomListFormat is an event type signalled when TIdFTPListItems needs to perform custom parsing to prepare a text representation of a directory listing item. TIdOnGetCustomListFormat is the type used to represent the TIdFTPListItems.OnGetCustomListFormat property, and allows the directory listing container to implement a routine used in TIdFTPListItem.Text when TIdFTPListItems.ListFormat contains the TIdFTPListFormat value flfCustom.

AItem is a TIdFTPListItem that provides a container for the raw data for the directory listing item.

VText is the textual value return as a result of the custom parsin routine.

Applications must assign a procedure to an event handler to allow reposnding to the event notification.

Created with Doc-O-Matic 2 donated to Project JEDI. Commercial license available from the Doc-O-Matic site.