Indy 9
TEventNewsgroupList = procedure (const ANewsgroup: string; const ALow, AHigh: Integer; const AType: string; var ACanContinue: Boolean) of object;
ANewsgroup contains the name of the newsgroup.
ALow and AHigh are integer indexes for messages available in the newsgroup. ALow indicates the message number for the oldest article currently in the newsgroup. AHigh indicates the message number for the most recent article currently in the newsgroup. Note: When AHigh contains a value less than ALow, there are no articles currently available in the newsgroup.
AType is a string that represents the newsgroup posting status. AType will contain 'y' when posting to the newsgroup is allowed, or 'n' when posting is prohibited. Note: Some newsgroups may prohibit posting even when the posting status in AType contains 'y' because they are moderated or contain message digests, or have NNTP posting permissions restricted for the entire server.